I'm assuming that most of us fear something - heights, snakes, death, or neck-biting deers (my nephew Eric's greatest fear!). Oftentimes we try to avoid them, but one of the best ways to overcome fears is by actually facing them. I have read that, if you are afraid of spiders, for example, that you should imagine the worst scenario that can happen, such as having spiders crawling all over you. This is supposed to calm you. I find this very hard to believe, but then again, I don't have a PhD in Psychology, so I will assume that this theory is a result of a study that was conducted that revealed these results.

I have typical fears - related to heights, mostly. I experienced vertigo on the top of the World Trade Center and the Empire State Building. I am a "freaky flyer" in an airliner and I can feel my heart rate skyrocketing, particularly on takeoff and landing. For some reason, I have a crazy fear of bridges, known as gephyrophobia. I experienced this quite a bit when I lived in Los Angeles, particularly driving over freeway overpasses. I realized how intense it was the first time I drove over the Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco.
Speaking of San Francisco, I had the unique opportunity of experiencing the triumvirate - my fear of heights, flying, and bridges - during a trip to San Francisco when the tour helicopter we were flying in actually went UNDER the Golden Gate Bridge. Here's the shot.

My most recent fear has nothing to do with heights. Taylor has started driving. I don't think I need to say anything else. You can bet I am not imagining the worst that can happen to face this fear.

i feel safer with taylor driving than with her mom.
i love that you don't let your triumverate of fears keep you from actually going up in that helicopter! that's the important thing, right? feel the fear and do it anyway.
all the best!
Wow! You didn't mention the helicopter flight to me. What a great experience.
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