I love love LOVE my job, especially when I have the rare opportunity to actually work with a group to facilitate learning. Today, I facilitated a group of leaders from various organizations throughout the Bloomington area. This was session 5 in a series of nine sessions designed to increase the skills of leaders so that they can more effectively create RESULTS for their companies.
Oftentimes, leaders will think they are on the right track but - if they are open to new ideas - a "shift" in their perception can take them to a more impactful place. A shift that will provide a clearer identification of what needs to be different. A shift that creates a path to a different future. I love the way that training can shift the thought process in an individual so that they can more clearly see where they need to go.

Our class today focused on COMMUNICATION (ALWAYS a great topic) and the necessity for leaders to adapt their styles to create a more effective relationship at work. We did some "skill practice" exercises (we NEVER do role-playing, by the way. NO one likes to do ROLE-PLAYING!), and we had some discussions on challenges and limitations that we have in our current relationships.
Everyone had a chance to adapt their own style to meet the needs of others. Not easy, but changing perceptions isn't an easy thing to do.

Our participants had a great time, learned a lot, and changed their perceptions on how to more effectively communicate with others.
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