Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me introduce to you Mr. R. Dale Preston! Blog Critic and Monitor! Yes, he may look like a nice guy, especially as he assumes his ruse by posing with a couple of man's best friends, but don't let this "canine closeness" fool you! He will indeed be monitoring your blog and calling out your inconsistencies in postings!
So, with this pressure in mind, I have in fact succumbed and am posting today, if only to appease RDP.
Seriously, I LIKE people to hold me accountable, and here is one thing I can say about Dale: You can ALWAYS depend on him to say exactly what is on his mind. You know EXACTLY how he feels about you. And he will call it out as he sees it.
Oh, and I also know he LOVES dogs. For real.
Dale is my kind of guy. Loud, obnoxious, and incredibly lovable. He makes me laugh. Even when he calls me out for missing a few days on my blog. I love this guy!
1 comment:
You know, if she hadn't put the part about loving me so much, I would consider what she wrote a real insult. However, she does also know me well enough, that if I did feel it were an insult I would tell her where to go...and then I'd tell her which pub to meet me at so we can laugh about me telling her where to go. I should tell you about my buddy Bill who laughed at me the other day because I was in the Fox and Hound bar and some dude walked by who smelled, and I'm not exaggerating here (imagine that), FEET AND A**! Yes, he did. If you don't believe me, ask my friend Bill if the girl at the next table over said the EXACT same thing I did. Yes, she did! Seriously! I like to just think that I am a bit senile and that I have two diseases: Tourette Syndrome and Narcolepsy. I can tell you where to go and then fall right asleep! :) Okay, did I offend anyone on here? If I did, check it at the door. This is no place for seriousness, folks. :) Love you, too. Linda. P.S. We NEED to talk. I have stories, you have stories, we all have stories. When are you coming up here?
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