Here are some pictures from our Murder Mystery dinner party this past weekend. We had eight "suspects" - that all came in costume - so that we could figure out who killed Pierre DuPre during Mardis Gras in New Orleans.

I was Michelle DuPre, the deposed's wife. But I loved him dearly. Of COURSE I didn't do it.

We had great fun and shared some Louisiana grub - jambalaya, french bread, creme brulee....and lots of hurricane punch. We had a version of Zydeco music and, mostly, we had lots of fun. Took us a few hours to figure it out, but several players did guess that the J. Stephen Peek - the lawyer (also known as Stacy) - did it in the billiard room with the Mardis Gras beads.

We had a great time and really appreciated everyone's participation!