- New Year's Masquerade Ball in Indianapolis
- Skiing in Wisconsin
- Baking in the sun in Phoenix
- Feeling the vortexes in Sedona
- A retreat from the desert while visiting Flagstaff
- Carefree exhiliration on the roller coasters at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio
- Big-city fun in Chicago
- The awesomeness of Washington D.C.
And then, fun musical stuff
- Night in Old Vienna with the BSO in February
- Tap dance recital in May
- Picnic with the Pops in July
- Cowboy concert at the mall with the BSO
- Holiday with the POPs Thanksgiving weekend
- Christmas musical at Sherwood Oaks Christian Church
- Messiah Sing with Bloomington Chamber Singers
Looking forward to another great year! Merry Christmas to all!