One of our holiday traditions is around Taylor's birthday, which was this past Monday. After her 25 minute band concert at the high school, we went to the house and every family member brought a wrapped ornament. We drew numbers and each participant got to pick out an ornament in the order of the number that they drew. A certain amount of stealing went on as well. If it was your turn to draw and you liked a previously drawn ornament, you could steal that ornament in lieu of choosing a wrapped one.

Of course everyone tries to be clever with their ornament contribution, and there was a wide range of ornaments - ugly ones, beautiful ones, unusual ones, and ones that you just said "What IS that?".

I actually ended up with the ornament I brought - a delicate turtle dove that I wear in my hair. Here are some of the other ornaments as well.

Happy Birthday Taylor! I'm glad you were born!