After having lived in Phoenix for 20 years of my youth, I had a rather cynical view of summers. The year my high heels melted while I was walking on the sidewalk put it all in perspective and I knew I couldn't stand the heat any longer. While I miss my mother (hi Mommy!)and my brothers Stephen and Charlie and my sister Lisa (who I know never read my blog so I am not going to say hi), I don't miss the scorching heat of an Arizona desert summer. I sympathize with My Pal Andy, who just had to have a "snow day" in Phoenix because it was TOO hot!. (Actually, I don't really sympathize with him - seems he made out pretty good!). Read his post
here to find out more.

I can get why people ("snowbirds") migrate to Phoenix in the winter, because that is when the weather is just about right. And the fall and spring is even perfect. Here's a shot of Taylor and I when we visited in March (out in Carolyn's back yard), and we could still be outside without collapsing from heat prostration. (And I don't want to hear any of that, "But it's a DRY heat!". It's still hot. I don't care how dry it is....115 is still quite unbearable. Especially when walking on the sidewalk.)
But of course the main reason for the migration is that the snowbirds get away from Midwest winters.
But I don't need to think about Midwest winters now. It is a glorious summer day here in southcentral Indiana. It is about 75 degrees, a clear, blue sky, and a gentle breeze is wisping along my back porch, where I have a view of a lush, green mini-forest and, if I look really hard, I can see the edges of the lake (I can totally see it in the winter, when the trees have no leaves).

And along with this glorious weather, comes fun outdoor activities, preferably involving water! I have had a chance to get out to
the lake, where Stacy and I rented a boat for a whirlwind hour of water activity.

We also had a chance to visit
Put-in-Bay, an island just off the coast of Ohio in Lake Erie. We had met some people in Chicago who invited us there...and we took them up on it. (Be careful what you invite us to!). They had a 35' boat that took us there (see the pics of Terry, Debbie, and daughter Brooke), and we had a WILD time.
And what a stellar way to celebrate summer. Beautiful weather, water, fun times with friends, good food and drink, lots of sunshine, great conversation....and relaxing!
I'd love to hear ways that everyone else is celebrating these beautiful warm summer days.